Statins: Time Magazine

Eat Butter. Time Magazine eats its own words.

Ancel Keys on the cover of Time Magazine in 1961 (left). He’s saying his 7 countries map shows a relationship between dietary fat and serum cholesterol, he’s linking cholesterol to heart disease. He’s lying because he removed eight other countries on that map that didn’t fit his hypothosis! His critics were silienced and this is a known fact, then statins have been developed, based on one man’s incorrect and dangerous hypothosis.

Statins are now being ever more widely prescribed to anyone with a 10% risk of getting heart disease. Most healthy men over 50 and women over 60 will now be told to take a man-made, fungal toxin with serious side-effects, for life, as a preventative measure. (And surely 30 or 40 years will increase the possibility of side-effects?)

Let us not forget that cholesterol is crucial for energy, immunity, fat metabolism, leptin, thyroid hormone activity, liver related synthesis, adrenal function, sex hormone syntheses and brain function. High cholesterol levels are shown to be protective in the elderly and frail. Lowering cholesterol has never been proved to lenghten life expectancy. Some trials have even reported the lower the cholesterol the more likely of not surviving.

High cholesterol is a poor predictor of heart disease. More than half of all people who are hospitalised, with heart attacks have perfectly normal cholesterol.

Why would you take a statin, when you know the science is based on an incorrect hypothosis? Why don’t pharmaceutical companies disclose their data on statins? About 80% of research is hidden and not available to anyone but the drug makers. HOW CAN THIS BE ALLOWED? ( is trying to change this)

Side effects of statins: Listed on most statin leaflets.
Diabetes, Muscle weakness and pain , Memory loss and confusion, CoQ10 Depletion
Liver and kidney disease.

But there alot more… hair loss, sexual dysfunction, cateracts, “Triple the risk of coronary artery and aortic calcification.” There’s a research paper on this.

And finally, a quote from two vascular surgeons from the Western Vascular Institute in Ireland “The statin industry is the utmost medical tradegy of all times.”

Statins – the case NOT to take them…

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