Moisturisers, natural

As part of my drive to remove all chemicals from my environment, I’ve ditched the very best lotions and potions from Clarins after researching all the ingredients inside, which are composed of unnatural and man-made substances. No thanks

Clarins (rip-off) moisturiser alone was £47, plus the cleanser, toner, face scrub, body scrub, mask and skin tightening. A load of rubbish because my skin looks a 100 times better since I’ve been using Organic Virgin Coconut oil. Fantastic stuff, and cheap. I also use Organic Argan Oil and Organic Shea Buttter

Coconut oil benefits for skin and body – Edible oil and hair tonic, but also an excellent massage oil, moisturiser, smoothener and sun-screen for the skin. Mouthwash and teeth whitening. It contains both lauric acid and monolaurin that can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi and can prevent infections. Boosts brain function in Alzheimer’s patients. Reduces hunger and increases fat burning (especially around the waist).

Argan Oil – High in vitamin E, essential fatty acids and antioxidants, and experts believe it can help with many skin conditions, from dry skin and wrinkles to psoriasis, eczema and acne. Has restorative and anti-aging benefits.

Shea Butter – Essential fatty acids, phytosterols, vitamin E and D, provitamin A and allantoin. All these are natural and make Shea butter a superfood for your skin (and hair), but that is not all it can do for you because it helps wrinkles, fine lines and scars, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, deeply moisturizing, stimulating for the superficial microcirculation, skin strengthening, UV protecting, regenerating, collagen production. Helps muscle aches and minor cuts and burns.

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