Thrush and Athletes foot


Thursh and Athletes foot are the same fungus causing an imbalance of yeast in the gut.

Probiotics 50 billion is the solution. ONLY this amount (50 billion) will work. I’ve tried lots of other different probiotics over the years and they just don’t work.

Take one 50 billion probiotic a day, with Vitamin E and Folic acid. I read about this in a health forum and it worked.

Here’s some other tips that will also help:

1. Cut out sugar.

2. Reduce your wheat and grain intake (a lot of wheat/grains convert to sugar once digested and yeast feeds off sugar).

3. Take Probiotics. Antibiotics are known to kill the good bacteria in our guts, along with pesticides, toxins, pollution, so we need to introduce more of the good bacteria to win the battle.

4. Chorella/Spirulina (incredible nutrients) Will boost the immune system like never before.

5. Vegetables and fruit, more vegetables- the most alkalising and healing food there is

6. Garlic is your new best friend. Seriously good. Cooked is ok, Raw is the BEST! It’s anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.

7. Coconut oil is another best friend. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral. Eat everyday, two teaspoons of Organic, raw, cold pressed Coconut oil.

8. Other helpers: Grapefruit seed extract, lemongrass, oil of oregano (3-4 drops in water a day), milk thistle

The Ultimate Candida Diet by Lisa Richards is a great book to read.

2 thoughts on “Thrush and Athletes foot

  1. Recently, I had the good fortune to visit a homeopath, Dr. Jacobs, in Verwood, nr Bournemouth. Dr. Jacobs was trained initially as a western medical doctor, but changed over to homeopathy many years ago. He’s a ‘complex’ homeopath – ie treats each symptom and underlying cause as opposed to traditional homeopaths who use one remedy.

    What’s more, Dr Jacobs uses, in conjunction with the usual extensive verbal consultation, high tech sensing machines, developed in Germany and Russia, to test for viruses, parasites, metals, bacterial infection etc etc..
    A simple way to describe the machines is as ‘electronic kinesiology machines’ 🙂

    Anyhow, coming to the reason for this post. Dr Jacobs found in me very high levels of mercury poisoning, some viruses, parasitises, pesticides and so on. Plus a whopping dose of CANDIDA. The mercury and candida found weren’t out of the ordinary except in their levels – most of us have mouths stuffed with mercury, one of the two most toxic elements known, compliments of the dentist.
    Dr Jacobs treated me for the mercury, but not the candida. He doesn’t treat specifically for candida any more unless it persists.

    According to Dr Jacobs, the latest research is showing that the candida is produced by the immune system to protect us against toxins such as mercury. For any details on this you’d need to google it or speak with Dr Jacobs. I just took his word for it. After eight weeks of treatment, testing shows I am free of mercury and candida.

    Moral of the story – get rid of the underlying toxins and the candida disappears as well.



    • Dr Jacobs sounds like an amazing man.

      I wish there were more doctors like him around and I wish our medical profession was more natural in it’s approach to healing us. It’s all drugs, drugs and more drugs, its’ all about masking symptoms but never finding the underlying cause. Like you say, get rid of the underlying toxins and everything gets better.

      I would also say, that the food we eat will help us detox too especially green veg and fruit and certain supplements can get rid of mercury and heavy metals (chlorella).

      In two months, with the vitamins I’ve listed and better eating. I got rid of Candida. Long live the natural way!

      With Light.


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