Let’s take charge of our health…

Let’s stand up and take charge of our health because we are getting sicker and sicker with our current system of medicine. There’s more cancer, diabetes and disease than ever before and we spend billions on healthcare in the UK.

Modern medicine is an industry that refuses to consider vitally important aspects of health for example, stress lowers the immune system, processed foods, alcohol, excessive calories and insufficient exercise are receipes for disaster and disease. The food we eat has direct links to the illnesses we suffer.

No natural plant/herb/spice can be patented or sold by big pharma, so they have to alter or copy it often using laboratory-man-made chemicals, which are far removed from nature. Who knows what these chemicals do long-term to a body that wasn’t designed to ingest such unnatural substances.

Big pharma funds it’s own research and often tests it’s own new drugs, resulting in drug trials being grossly manipulated in favour of the drug being tested. Ben Goldacre’s book “Bad Pharma”, says some scary things. He’s an ex-employee and whistle-blower of the pharmaceutical industry. He’s not joking when he says:

“Most medicines are no better than the placebo.”

If the placebo is so effective, what are we doing popping pills? Why has big pharma never bothered to research this?