About me

My aim is to talk about natural health, natural cures and old forgotten remedies for the mind and body, with the aim of helping you to take less medicine.

So, before you reach for a pill, I hope to persuade you to consider whether you actually want those un-natural fake chemcials stored in your body, when really, you should be acting like a detective, “why did I get that symptom, what have I eaten, am I really stressed, what food/herb/spice can ease my symptoms?”

You’ll also find a rant or two, particularly about statins. As this particular drug has affected someone I know and love deeply. This fungal toxin taken for life has horrible side-effects. Here’s a quote from two vascular sugeons in Ireland:

“The statin industry is the utmost tradegy of all times”

I’ve been an Alexander Technique teacher for 14 years. I’ve studied nutrition, anatomy, physiology and qualified in the Bach Flower remedies, crystal and energy healing, including crystal surgery. 

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