Alexander Technique

I qualified as an Alexander Technique teacher in 2003, training under Walter Carrington who was Alexander’s (F.M. Alexander 1869 – 1955) right had man at his training school. It was considered the best Alexander training center in the World.

It’s one of the best training I’ve ever done, because I was in such trouble before I joined the school and was seriously depressed with my outlook in life, having broken my back severely as a teenager, then spent 10 years locked behind a computer.

I went into that training course, depressed, hunched, tense, with muscular spasms and in a lot of pain and came out three years later a new woman, standing tall, gliding around, a soft, more elastic body, without much pain. A miracle to me that I could change my body and mind so easily with the right training.

The Alexander Technique is used in top Music colleges, acting schools, even the Olympic swimming teams, because it teaches you to be aware of your body, connecting and communicating effectively to be able to perform in the best way possible in everything you do in life.

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