Vibrational Healing

Vibrational healing includes working with the subtle unseen energies of the body, the chakra system and working with crystals which have a wonderful energy and can help heal us, balance us and make us feel better.

I qualfied in 2007 after 3 years of training at the Vibrational Healing centre in Fulham, London.

Crystals can absorb, reflect, transform, transmute, balance, direct, amplify, soften, clear, shape as well as focus energies. Each crystal comes with it’s own unique vibration which is the result of its colour frequency, chemical composition, inner atomic structure and outer form.

When I work with crystals, my main objective is to assess someone’s energy field/aura and their chakras, and I work to balance out what is needed. Sometimes a certain type of uplifting energy is needed for a chakra, or sometimes, a grouding energy is needed to calm and soothe someone’s whole energy field.

I also use crystal wands, which is a new technique that allows me to do more precise work in the energy field.

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