Let’s take charge of our health…

Let’s stand up and take charge of our health because we are getting sicker and sicker with our current system of medicine. There’s more cancer, diabetes and disease than ever before and we spend billions on healthcare in the UK.

Modern medicine is an industry that refuses to consider vitally important aspects of health for example, stress lowers the immune system, processed foods, alcohol, excessive calories and insufficient exercise are receipes for disaster and disease. The food we eat has direct links to the illnesses we suffer.

No natural plant/herb/spice can be patented or sold by big pharma, so they have to alter or copy it often using laboratory-man-made chemicals, which are far removed from nature. Who knows what these chemicals do long-term to a body that wasn’t designed to ingest such unnatural substances.

Big pharma funds it’s own research and often tests it’s own new drugs, resulting in drug trials being grossly manipulated in favour of the drug being tested. Ben Goldacre’s book “Bad Pharma”, says some scary things. He’s an ex-employee and whistle-blower of the pharmaceutical industry. He’s not joking when he says:

“Most medicines are no better than the placebo.”

If the placebo is so effective, what are we doing popping pills? Why has big pharma never bothered to research this?

Thrush and Athletes foot


Thursh and Athletes foot are the same fungus causing an imbalance of yeast in the gut.

Probiotics 50 billion is the solution. ONLY this amount (50 billion) will work. I’ve tried lots of other different probiotics over the years and they just don’t work.

Take one 50 billion probiotic a day, with Vitamin E and Folic acid. I read about this in a health forum and it worked.

Here’s some other tips that will also help:

1. Cut out sugar.

2. Reduce your wheat and grain intake (a lot of wheat/grains convert to sugar once digested and yeast feeds off sugar).

3. Take Probiotics. Antibiotics are known to kill the good bacteria in our guts, along with pesticides, toxins, pollution, so we need to introduce more of the good bacteria to win the battle.

4. Chorella/Spirulina (incredible nutrients) Will boost the immune system like never before.

5. Vegetables and fruit, more vegetables- the most alkalising and healing food there is

6. Garlic is your new best friend. Seriously good. Cooked is ok, Raw is the BEST! It’s anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.

7. Coconut oil is another best friend. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral. Eat everyday, two teaspoons of Organic, raw, cold pressed Coconut oil.

8. Other helpers: Grapefruit seed extract, lemongrass, oil of oregano (3-4 drops in water a day), milk thistle

The Ultimate Candida Diet by Lisa Richards is a great book to read.

Teeth whitening

It’s called oil pulling. A very old remedy that’s been forgotten. It’s much, much better than using peroxide teeth whitening gels which make the teeth extremely sensitive and is a toxic chemical. Say no more.

Oil-pulling. You take a teaspoon of organic, raw, cold-pressed coconut oil and swish and swirl in your mouth for a few minutes or longer if you can. Spit out, do not swallow. You do this everyday until you notice a difference. Usually a week or two. Or continue to do this forever after as it’s so good for your teeth and gums.

Coconut oil is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal (kills fungus candida).

It’s uses for the human body is incredible. From being a wonderful moisturiser to a hair conditioner to a light suncreen, helping kill parasites, toenail fungus, athletes foot, skin problems, head lice, acne, an insect repellent, an energy boost, teeth whitening. etc.

I’ve also seen that it can help improve memory and Alzheimers, and it’s good for type 1 and 2 diabetes.

I eat two teaspoons a day and use it all over to moisturise my skin, occasionally I cover my hair and leave for a few hours for amazing shiny hair. I love the stuff.

Protecting Your Energy

Why do we need to do this?

We are protecting our energies against negative thoughts from those around us and from wave-machine technology vibrations, Wi-fi, microwaves/even TV. By using this tool, any bad energy thrown at us will bounce off!

Use this tool as much as you can throughout the day, every day. It’s effect gets stronger and stronger the more it’s used. It’s especially effective if you ever feel threatened by someone or something, it works a treat.

We must remember that we are energy, our bodies have chakras (energy) and we have layers of energy all around us. And that also Imagination is a powerful tool.

Go outside if you can, take your shoes off, stand on the grass.

Put your arms out each side of you, horizontally, that is how big your aura or energy field is.

You are imagining and visualising an egg or bubble completely surrounding your aura/energy field. You are thinking that this egg is your protection from negative energy. You fill in this egg/bubble with white Light. Hold the image, stick with it.

Use your imagination and play with these thoughts and images in your mind. There is no right or wrong way, just your intention to protect your energy, along with a little imagination and visualisation is all you need. Hold the image for as long as you can.

More on Protection

Stop worrying about the news

I’m fed up of worrying about the world, so I’m trying a new experiment.

I’ve decided to not watch TV, the news or reading any newspapers. It’s quite an experiment because I would say that I’m quite addicted to the news. But does it do me any good?

I get up with the morning news, I read a newspaper everyday, I buy some of those gossip magazines, I don’t know why I do? It’s a slight addiction, because I think I need to know what diet Jennifer Anniston’s on, but I really don’t need this info, I really think this is filling my mind with crap and I should be thinking about more serious matters.

But I persevere with this whole concept of being news free, and even after a few days I notice a difference, quite a big difference, I wake up feeling different. I say to myself “I feel clear”.

After six weeks, I feel fantastic! Instead of waking up thinking about the state of the world, or some news story that has haunted me, I feel happy, clear and free of all troubles.

Why have I been tormenting myself for so long listening to this junk, when in fact, I have absolutely no control over world affairs and all those continuing pointless wars… That’s another story. A story we should all get involved in. I’m thinking, everybody, stop thinking about pop idol and start thinking about why the fcuk we’re still going to war and killing??

Anyway, I’ve been seriously inspired by an article I read in the Guardian and subsequently the book I bought by Rolf Dobelli “The Art of Thinking Clearly”.

His article, “Why you shouldn’t read the news” Here’s some words from a wise man…

News is toxic to your body. It constantly triggers the limbic system. Panicky stories spur the release of cascades of glucocorticoid (cortisol). This deregulates your immune system and inhibits the release of growth hormones. In other words, your body finds itself in a state of chronic stress. High glucocorticoid levels cause impaired digestion, lack of growth (cell, hair, bone), nervousness and susceptibility to infections. The other potential side-effects include fear, aggression, tunnel-vision and desensitization.

News makes us passive. News stories are overwhelmingly about things you cannot influence. The daily repetition of news about things we can’t act upon makes us passive. It grinds us down until we adopt a worldview that is pessimistic, desensitised, sarcastic and fatalistic. The scientific term is “learned helplessness”. It’s a bit of a stretch, but I would not be surprised if news consumption, at least partially contributes to the widespread disease of depression.

That’s why I feel so much better. No news is good news!  I challenge you to try it! Because it’s worked for me, I feel so relaxed about life now. I don’t pollute my mind with fear, and I don’t need the “control yr mind with fear” media anymore. Look it up. Programming. TV = control the mind and influence the people.

Moisturisers, natural

As part of my drive to remove all chemicals from my environment, I’ve ditched the very best lotions and potions from Clarins after researching all the ingredients inside, which are composed of unnatural and man-made substances. No thanks

Clarins (rip-off) moisturiser alone was £47, plus the cleanser, toner, face scrub, body scrub, mask and skin tightening. A load of rubbish because my skin looks a 100 times better since I’ve been using Organic Virgin Coconut oil. Fantastic stuff, and cheap. I also use Organic Argan Oil and Organic Shea Buttter

Coconut oil benefits for skin and body – Edible oil and hair tonic, but also an excellent massage oil, moisturiser, smoothener and sun-screen for the skin. Mouthwash and teeth whitening. It contains both lauric acid and monolaurin that can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi and can prevent infections. Boosts brain function in Alzheimer’s patients. Reduces hunger and increases fat burning (especially around the waist).

Argan Oil – High in vitamin E, essential fatty acids and antioxidants, and experts believe it can help with many skin conditions, from dry skin and wrinkles to psoriasis, eczema and acne. Has restorative and anti-aging benefits.

Shea Butter – Essential fatty acids, phytosterols, vitamin E and D, provitamin A and allantoin. All these are natural and make Shea butter a superfood for your skin (and hair), but that is not all it can do for you because it helps wrinkles, fine lines and scars, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, deeply moisturizing, stimulating for the superficial microcirculation, skin strengthening, UV protecting, regenerating, collagen production. Helps muscle aches and minor cuts and burns.

30 chemicals in my shampoo!

LOreal-Paris-Elvive-Shampoo-250ml[1]    This is a frightening list of all the chemicals in one shampoo.

Today I learnt from Dr. Walter Crinnion that if you take all these chemicals out of your life for 3 weeks, you can reduce the huge level of toxic compounds in your body. And there are 104 environmental pollutants and toxic chemicals identified in almost everything. Crickey!

Luckily he says that these chemicals have a “short half-life” meaning if you stop them, they’ll leave the body after a few weeks.

I’ve looked at food and nutrition in detail, but never at my beauty products. I’ve found out that there is mercury in makeup, lead in lipstick, arsenic in mascara, as well as cadmium, lead and nickel and let me tell you what these things do to you.

Lead – damage to brain and nervous system, headaches, anemia.

Cadminum – Toxic metal, used in batteries and as a phospate fertisliser.

Aresenic – headaches, confusion, diarraea, Vit A deficient.

Nickel – Lung, nose, laryx and proate cancer, repiratory failure.

Look at your Shampoo, moisturiser, cleanser, nail varnish and hair colouring. what are those chemicals on your bottles. Do we know what those chemicals are doing to us long-term? Dr Crinnion says they all build up in our bodies over time. A nice toxic soup of chemicals, stored around the body.

L’Oreal Elvive Colour Protect Caring Shampoo

1. Aqua/water

2. Sodium Laureth Sulfate – Creates lather, a detergent, breaks up surface tension. Dr Mercola’s says on his website that according to Judi Vance, author of Beauty to Die For, SLS can cause cellular DNA damage. In an article for ConsumerHealth.org,13 she states that a dental association in Japan tested the effects of SLS on bacteria, finding it to be mutagenic. She also states that hair follicles are significant transporters of harmful chemicals into your body. It’s also possibly cancer causing because of the chemicals that are produced when mixed with other chemicals.

3. Dimethicone – Provides smoothness, particularly in conditioners and detanglers, better comb-through. It leaves a covering on the hair strands. Also used in conditioners and moisturizers. It’s non-biodegradable, toxic to the environment.

4. Coco-bethane – Used as a foamer, an anti-static, cleansing and conditioning agent. Causes serious skin reactions, including burning and itching. According to the online natural living magazine Pure-Zing.com, its linked to blistering skin, especially in products with a lot of impurities. It can easily get into the eyes as a shampoo, which may cause significant eye irritation, according to the HERA Project, which assesses the risks of ingredients in common household products.

5. Glycol Distearate – Another foamer, reducing transparent appearance, “pearlising agent”. It’s made from ethylene glycol, which is used to make antifreeze, de-icing solutions for cars and planes, hydraulic brake fluids, lacquers, resins, wood stains, synthetic waxes, and the like.

6. Sodium Chloride – Better known as table salt. Used as a thickener in shampoos and conditioners containing sodium lauryl sulfate. It’s a contributing factor to the eye irritation experienced with most shampoos, can cause dry and itchy scalp. May cause hair loss.

 7. Guar Hydroxpropltrimonium chloride – conditioning agent. Awater soluablequaternary ammonium derivative of guar gum. It’s cationic (positively charged) and works by neutralizing the negative charges on hair strands that cause static and tangling.

 8. Cocamide Mipa –These, readily absorbed, ingredients may be contaminated with nitrosamines, a potent class of carcinogens. Dr. Samuel Epstein, Professor of Environmental Health at the University of Illinois found that “repeated skin applications of DEA-based detergents resulted in a major increase in the incidence of two cancers – liver and kidney cancers.” John Bailey, who oversees the cosmetic division for the FDA said the new study is especial important since “the risk equation changes significantly for children.”

9. Tocopherol – This ingredient is basically a form of vitamin E created in the laboratory, mixed with acetic acid. It’s used in the production of chemicals for photographic film, wood glue, and synthetic fibers and fabrics. Why would manufacturers mix perfectly good vitamin E with this irritating ingredient? Potentially irritating to skin, causing redness, rashes, and potential allergic reactions.

10. Sodium Benzoate – A salt derived from benzoic acid and is used as a preservative in foods and cosmetics. Professor Peter Piper a molecular biology expert at Sheffield University found that it damaged the mitochondrial DNA of yeast cells. (Mitochondria are free floating elements in each cell with multiple functions. They are associated with cell metabolism and aging). He concluded that it may do the same to human DNA.

11. Sodium Cocoate – Coconut oil and Sodium Hydroxide (lye). Lye is a caustic materialCaustic means capable of burning, corroding, or destroying living tissue.

12. Sodium Hydroxide – Found in many industrial solvents, floor stripping, brick cleaning, cements

I’ve given up, it’s too terrifying! Will continue one day, if I have the stamina!!

13. Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate

14. Salicylic acid

15. Poly (linseed oil)

16. Benzophenone-4

17. Benzyl Alcohol

18. Benzyl Salicylate

19. Linalool

20. Alpha-Isomethyl

21. Ionone

22. Carbomer

23. Geraniol

24. Butylphenyl Methylpropional

25. Citronellol

26. Methyl Cocoate

27. Citric Acid

28. Hexylene Glycol

29. Hexyl Cinnamal

30. Perfum/Fragrance (F.I.L. C54884/4 – causes diabetes, asthma, allergies.

Statins: Time Magazine

Eat Butter. Time Magazine eats its own words.

Ancel Keys on the cover of Time Magazine in 1961 (left). He’s saying his 7 countries map shows a relationship between dietary fat and serum cholesterol, he’s linking cholesterol to heart disease. He’s lying because he removed eight other countries on that map that didn’t fit his hypothosis! His critics were silienced and this is a known fact, then statins have been developed, based on one man’s incorrect and dangerous hypothosis.

Statins are now being ever more widely prescribed to anyone with a 10% risk of getting heart disease. Most healthy men over 50 and women over 60 will now be told to take a man-made, fungal toxin with serious side-effects, for life, as a preventative measure. (And surely 30 or 40 years will increase the possibility of side-effects?)

Let us not forget that cholesterol is crucial for energy, immunity, fat metabolism, leptin, thyroid hormone activity, liver related synthesis, adrenal function, sex hormone syntheses and brain function. High cholesterol levels are shown to be protective in the elderly and frail. Lowering cholesterol has never been proved to lenghten life expectancy. Some trials have even reported the lower the cholesterol the more likely of not surviving.

High cholesterol is a poor predictor of heart disease. More than half of all people who are hospitalised, with heart attacks have perfectly normal cholesterol.

Why would you take a statin, when you know the science is based on an incorrect hypothosis? Why don’t pharmaceutical companies disclose their data on statins? About 80% of research is hidden and not available to anyone but the drug makers. HOW CAN THIS BE ALLOWED? (Alltrials.co.uk is trying to change this)

Side effects of statins: Listed on most statin leaflets.
Diabetes, Muscle weakness and pain , Memory loss and confusion, CoQ10 Depletion
Liver and kidney disease.

But there alot more… hair loss, sexual dysfunction, cateracts, “Triple the risk of coronary artery and aortic calcification.” There’s a research paper on this.

And finally, a quote from two vascular surgeons from the Western Vascular Institute in Ireland “The statin industry is the utmost medical tradegy of all times.”

Statins – the case NOT to take them…

Grounding yourself

tree pic

This is what your body needs to re-new and energise itself. The connection to the earth and nature is essential to our well-being but we have forgotten this. Why do think we call it “Mother” Earth?

We are energy. Our bodies have chakras (energy) and we have layers of energy all around us. The earth is energy and it’s our charger. Just like a computer needs to charge it’s battery, so do we. We need grounding and connecting to our charger, the earth.

Shoes off, bare feet on grass
A few deep breaths. A clear the mind. That’s your intention. Throw out those worries when they surface and come back to your thoughts of breathing. You’ll need to practise this as all our minds are busy!

You’ll find that your mind will wander off in all directions all the time, and that it will take practise (like learning to play tennis) to keep the mind off wandering and worrying!

Feel the ground with your feet. Is it soft, hard, cold or warm?

Notice all your weight going down into your feet and then start to grow roots, like tree roots, thick, hard and going down through the layers of the earth, down, down, down, to the centre of earth. Keep going, picture it, imagine it. Hold the image for a while.

You are now re-charging. Sounds mad? Try it a few days in a row and I guarantee you will notice the difference.

The earth’s energy will feel your connection. It will say “Yes, I feel this connection, I feel this energetic being, and I want to feed, balance and work with you.”