Your Medicine

“Food is your remedy, your remedy is food” – Hiprocates

So many people take medicines that do them more harm than good.  Have you ever done research on the long-term side-effects of any popular drugs used today? Did you know that about 70% of research done by pharmaceutical companies on their own drugs is hidden from us and even the scientific community. Ben Goldacre

Ben Goldacre in his book, “Big Pharma” says that, “Being healthy is bad for business”.

“A sick patient is a profitable one and easily manipulated, this is how big pharma make money.”

Before you take that Pharmaceutical drug with side effects and who knows what long-term effects, try the natural approach first, as there are many if you look. The body is a wonderful self-healing system.

People who live the longest, live the most naturally.

Your first thoughts when you are ill should be to look at your diet, your alcohol intake, are you getting enough sleep?

Organic, pesticide free, fruit and vegetables will boost your immune system, detox your liver and heal you.

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