Grounding yourself

tree pic

This is what your body needs to re-new and energise itself. The connection to the earth and nature is essential to our well-being but we have forgotten this. Why do think we call it “Mother” Earth?

We are energy. Our bodies have chakras (energy) and we have layers of energy all around us. The earth is energy and it’s our charger. Just like a computer needs to charge it’s battery, so do we. We need grounding and connecting to our charger, the earth.

Shoes off, bare feet on grass
A few deep breaths. A clear the mind. That’s your intention. Throw out those worries when they surface and come back to your thoughts of breathing. You’ll need to practise this as all our minds are busy!

You’ll find that your mind will wander off in all directions all the time, and that it will take practise (like learning to play tennis) to keep the mind off wandering and worrying!

Feel the ground with your feet. Is it soft, hard, cold or warm?

Notice all your weight going down into your feet and then start to grow roots, like tree roots, thick, hard and going down through the layers of the earth, down, down, down, to the centre of earth. Keep going, picture it, imagine it. Hold the image for a while.

You are now re-charging. Sounds mad? Try it a few days in a row and I guarantee you will notice the difference.

The earth’s energy will feel your connection. It will say “Yes, I feel this connection, I feel this energetic being, and I want to feed, balance and work with you.”