Athletes Foot

Athletes foot – I’ve had it, I’ve used the “chemical” cream from Boots, and I’m not doing that any more, as it takes weeks and weeks to work. This is my new, tried and tested natural remedy and it works in a few days!

In a bowl, mix together a tiny amount of Coconut Oil, with 2 drops of either Oregano or Tea Tree oil. Rub in gently inbetween affected toes.

Repeat a couple of times a day for a few days, and especially after swimming.

So that these aromatherapy oils are not put neat onto the body, a little Coconut oil is mixed in. The added benefit of Coconut oil’s is it’s anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, which helps with all kinds of skin problems.

A new way of thinking, is that any problem with the body or any illness, is an indication of a weakened immune system and by boosting the immune system with food enriched minerals and vitamins, it has a good chance at curing any problem, any illness itself. John Bergman says it’s like “cleaning the blood”, when we eat the right way, the immune system has a chance to spring into action. 


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