
We’re all hearing about the overuse of antibiotics and that, naughty us, we the minions, take too many antibiotics.

But it’s not just the antibiotics the doctor gives you to cure you of that bacterial infection, it’s the antibiotics used in modern farming methods too. All of our meat, including farmed fish gets fed antibiotics regularly throughout their short, miserable lives and then we eat it, ingest it. Meat laced with antibiotics.

Nutritionists are now saying antibiotics are responsible for the rise in the cases of Candida. An imbalance of yeast in the gut. Making us all miserable and we can’t seem to get rid of it.

I have found a solution that works, but it takes time and self-will. Mainly, you have to boost your immune system, detox your liver and that’s done with the food you eat and a few supplements.

1. Cut out sugar. NO SUGAR. EVER!

2. Reduce your wheat and grain intake (a lot of wheat has sugar in it and yeast feeds off grains).

3. Take Probiotics. As many billion as you can! Try different types, for 3-6 months. Antibiotics are known to kill the good bacteria in our guts, so we need to introduce more of the good bacteria to win the battle against the bad.

4. Chorella/Spirulina (incredible nutrients) Will boost the immune system like never before.

5. Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables, raw and cooked (with the garlic!)

5. No alcohol. Your liver needs to work more efficiently to tackle the overgrowth of yeast (candida). x your liver by not smoking, l. If you have to drink, do not drink beer or wine as they are made with grains and yeast. Your worst enemy.

6. Garlic is your new best friend. Seriously good. Cooked is ok, Raw is the BEST! It will kill those suckers. (I juice 3 bits with the veg juice!)

7. Coconut oil is another best friend. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral. Eat everyday, two teaspoons of Organic, raw, cold pressed Coconut oil. And/Or moisturise your skin with it (ingesting through the skin to the bloodstream).

8. Other helpers: Grapefruit seed extract, lemongrass, oil of oregano (2-3 drops in water a day), milk thistle.

The over the counter drug Fluconazole Clotrimazole (Canesten) only cures symptom, we’re working on reason why we have an imbalance and fixing that to cure the problem. The body gets used to this anti-fungal drug and will stop working if you use it too much.

A book to read: The Ultimate Candida Diet by Lisa Richards

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