Protecting yourself

Why do we need to do this?

We are protecting our energies against negative thoughts from those around us and from wave-machine technology vibrations, Wi-fi, microwaves/even TV. By using this tool, any bad energy thrown at us will bounce off!

Use this tool as much as you can throughout the day, every day. It’s effect gets stronger and stronger the more it’s used. It’s especially effective if you ever feel threatened by someone or something, it works a treat.

We must remember that we are energy, our bodies have chakras (energy) and we have layers of energy all around us. And that also Imagination is a powerful tool.

Go outside if you can, take your shoes off, stand on the grass.

Put your arms out each side of you, horizontally, that is how big your aura or energy field is.

You are imagining and visualising an egg or bubble completely surrounding your aura/energy field. You are thinking that this egg is your protection from negative energy. You fill in this egg/bubble with white Light. Hold the image, stick with it.

Use your imagination and play with these thoughts and images in your mind. There is no right or wrong way, just your intention to protect your energy, along with a little imagination and visualisation is all you need. Hold the image for as long as you can.

More on Protection

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