The Sun is good for you!

The sun is good for us. Yes, it’s good for us in moderation!

It’s not the enemy, like it has been portrayed, but an essential part of being human, essential to our lives and our health. It is the main and best source of Vitamin D.

Recently an article in the Daily Mail (July 16th 2015) “The children in agony because their parents are scared of the sun” was shocking to read. Parents have become so paranoid about the sun, slathering factor 50 sunscreen the moment their children go outside, that their children are massively deficient in Vitamin D, suffering in agony, exhausted, with mystery aches and pains, only having been found to have such low levels of Vitamin D that it couldn’t even be detected in the blood test their doctors finally did in order to cure them.


The irony is that we are using a toxic skin product (sunscreen) to protect our skin that is actually cancerous because of the toxicity of the chemicals in the suncreen! Anything that is put on the skin gets ingested by the body and goes into the bloodstream.

Therefore it is often an individuals regular diet which contributes to the greatest degree to the various types of cancer or skin cancer that he/she will get, which includes environmental exposures and stress which also has a considerable impact. It is much more likely that the exposure to toxic chemicals and other pollutants, especially those put on the skin and ingested with the diet, will have a more significant impact on the development of skin cancer.

20 minutes of sunlight without sunscreen, at sensible times of the day 9-10.30am and 3-7pm is recommended to receive enough Vitamin D for optimum health. We are all deficient in Vitamin D by February in the UK, so stock up everyday in the summer while the sun is out!

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