Did you know?

Did you know that cholesterol-lowering statin drugs …

Statins and Their Side Effects1. Have been used in the UK since 1990, and during that time there have been numerous articles discussing their toxicity. Yet your doctor still says statins are safe!

2. Are the most successful class of drugs in history,  The companies raking in these profits use their financial clout to set the marketplace rules, and the No. 1 rule is aggressive promotion—regardless of the side effects of statins on the millions of people who are taking them.

3. Deplete levels of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) because the enzyme pathways they block to reduce the production of cholesterol are the same enzymes required for the creation of CoQ10 which is an essential compound necessary for energy production in the mitochondria of your cells.

4. Can cause fatigue, muscle weakness and heart failure because they deplete your body’s valuable CoQ10 reserves

5. Have a long list of adverse affects including problems with memory and mood, suicidal behavior, and neurological issues. Side effects of statins range from minor (achiness, forgetfulness) to serious (complete but temporary amnesia, permanent memory loss) to lethal (congestive heart failure), rhabdomyolysis or complete muscle breakdown.

A scary book: Lipitor – Thief of Memory, by Duane Graveline. An astronaut, doctor, top scientist’s experience of losing his memory on the Statin drug, Lipitor.

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